We have provided two distinct methods of installing Codecov Enterprise. We highly suggest using Docker, which is the easiest and quickest deployment option.
Deploy with Docker Compose
There are two main methods when deploying with Docker Compose, with varying degrees of configuration, availability, and scale. It is recommended to read the Codecov Enterprise Deployment Strategies documentation.
However, if you're just seeking a trial/proof of concept deployment of Codecov Enterprise, see Deploying with Docker Compose.
Deploy in Kubernetes
Full deployment scripts using terraform can be found for AWS, GCP, and Azure here: GitHub - codecov/enterprise-resources: A repository of documentation, configuration, etc for various different types of Codecov Enterprise deployments.
Supported pathways currently in progress, if you would like a custom deployment / orchestration, please reach out to us directly at enterprise@codecov.io
Bare Metal and In-House Datacenter Deployments Deployments
Linux / bare metal deprecated
As of January 22nd, 2019, we have deprecated support for Linux / bare metal.
Codecov has deprecated bare metal deployment support. This is due to the underlying complexity these deployment approaches tend to possess compared to hosted cloud style deployments, and our inability to confidently support the myriad of different approaches that may come with deploying on bare metal.
Codecov will support dockerized/containerized deployments that use cloud hosted services (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure). By default, we will not support bare metal deployments, or on-premises deployments into a customer's own data center. but if your particular circumstances dictate such an approach, please reach out to us so we can discuss any potential ways forward.
Best Practice: Security
In line with industry best practices, we recommend placing your enterprise install of Codecov behind your company's firewall, or otherwise perform other access controls such that it is only accessible by trusted staff and employees. Other Best Practices
Codecov Enterprise Version Support
Codecov Version v4.3.x and prior support deprecation
As of December 15, 2020, Codecov will no longer support installs of Codecov v4.3.x and prior.
Codecov will be deprecating support for installs of Codecov v4.3.x and prior as the product has appreciably changed to include updates like a newly refactored worker, support for features like Carryforward Flags, and better logging and error handling to quickly diagnose issues. Therefore, we can no longer guarantee the high standard of operability on Codecov versions prior to v4.3.x.
Upgrading from v4.3.x
Please note: if you are a customer on v4.3.x or prior, the upgrade will require a manual data migration so we would recommend a rolling migration by:
1. Completing the new install of the latest version (this will require an additional license key, which Codecov can provide).
2. Updating your CI pipelines to upload coverage reports to both at once for projects currently on v4.3.x.
3. Any new projects can be uploaded to the new install directlyPlease reach out to the Codecov team directly at
for additional